Virgin Mobile South Africa
Virgin Mobile's service is atrocious


On the 28th February 2013, Virgin Mobile (VM) cut my line because I had missed my debit by one working day.
I then went into the Century City Mall and was forced to wait for an entire hour without recognition from one of their customer "champs." I left there at ten and attended my meeting and was back there at 11h00. I finally got some assistance at 11h30 and proceeded to Nedbank to pay the bill, which amounted to R1119.00. I went back to the shop, supplied them with the proof of payment, and after another half an hour, my services were back on-line. Then, I woke up on the 01st March, an dthe line was blocked again. This is a clear indication of the lack of communication between the "champs" in accounts! Anyway, I went back to Century City, stood in another queue, waited for another hour, and then the line was reconnected. The "champs" behind the counter were probably the MOST unfriendly, unhelpful, morbid and unhappy people I have dealt with in a long time. I deduce that this is due to their working environment.
That evening, I was going over my banking statements, only to discover that VM had actually debited my account for the exact amount that I paid in on the 28th???

Company: Virgin Mobile South Africa
Country: South Africa
City: Century City - Head Office
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Virgin Mobile South Africa
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Virgin Mobile South Africa
No response

Virgin Mobile South Africa

Virgin Mobile South Africa
Account cancelled and bank account still debited

Virgin Mobile South Africa
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Virgin Mobile South Africa
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Virgin Mobile South Africa