8ta / Telkom Mobile
Cancelled contract-Still billing/terrible Service


Cancelled via the phone and still being debited.
- Last week Wednesday I called the centre to which the consultant said that the contract was still active.
- He said there was no proof on the system of me cancelling and that it had to be done in a store. But on questioning at the very time I would have called in was when it was still allowed to do cancellation via the call centre.
- After much frustration I asked to speak to a manager, same story that nothing was on the system and so I could not be reimbursed.
- Manager promised to call me back with an answer as expected from 8ta, no return call.
- Name: Ridaa David, please listen to call to hear all my explanation.

I checked in November if I had internet and it was not working, you can see this on the log of my 3g card. I was satisfied that it had been cancelled. If I had wanted to cheat the system I would have been using the dongle, but I have changed to a competitor on the cancellation.

Please sort this out as Mr Ridaa David clearly doesn't understand the meaning of customer service and completion of a promise. I do hope his manager gets to read his poor effort at completing a promised solution.

Company: 8ta / Telkom Mobile
Country: South Africa
City: Call Centre
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