MTN Disgust once again with (no) customer service


Thanks to a burglary in Dec 2012 which resulted in a SIM card being while I was away for a weekend, and despite the fact that I only knew of the loss (and reported it immediately on my return) MTN saw it fit to hold me liable for a R20000 phone account. While I am busy paying off this account, MTN are denying me access to perform regular upgrades, but are still taking my subscription money every month. This surely means that I am paying for services which I am not allowed to benefit from. When I challenged MTN on this, I was told that the relevant suspensions would be lifted in my extraordinary case and that I could perform a contract upgrade - this in writing with a REF Number. On trying to perform said upgrade, I was told that the "alleged" process was not, in fact done and that the reference number given was for an unrelated issue. Surely any consumer would see this as a blatant to the paying public? Despite numerous attempts to email and call the relevant party, I am yet to get a single response.

Company: Mtn
Country: South Africa
City: South Africa
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