Nashua Mobile
Frustrated customer


I registered a call limit for cellphones I purchased through Nashua Mobile and I got the shock of my life when my monthly bill came and indicated that i have used 18 times more than the limit i have set even though i have received sms"s on both phones when i got soft-locked stating that i have reached the the exact amount that i requested for my limit, so the sms's and my bill does not correspond for both numbers, and the call center is so useless as they will make you hold for long time only to give feedback that does not add up. Everytime I call I speak to some incompetent agent who does not even have answers to my questions which makes you wonder why they are there in the first place, this time i spoke to Curtis Brummer who tried to get smart with me and told me that their system delays in updating the accounts and that i should have read the terms and conditions, now who's fault is that your systems are faulty and does that give you the right to give your customers wrong information and rip them off, why am i getting 2 completely different amount on the montly bill and sms??? and this is an ongoing problem, whats the point of giving a service that does not work???

Company: Nashua Mobile
Country: South Africa
City: Callcenter
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