How do I cancel my contract?


I have a contract with MTN that I entered into in March 2013 and i want out. Bad BAD service!! As part of my contract i receive 250 meg a month. I requested an increase of my data to 500 meg a month. Currently i am being billed for the full 500meg a month (for the last 3 months). At first when i phoned MTN i was told that they cannot load 2 bundles of the same value. But they could not tell me what is the position regarding the data that i am already paying for as part of my contract. I requested them then to load the 500meg and that i would pay for that and then want the 250meg as part of my contract, thus 750meg a mont but no response. I have repeatedly emailed and called MTN to enquire what the is going on but the only response that i have received for the last 3 months is we will come back to you. Or phone customer service. And thus is just the final straw. There is also doubble billing, dropped calls, no service signal in pta etc. So how do i cancel my contract as they are clearly not providing the contracted service?

Company: Mtn
Country: South Africa
City: MTN National
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