Cell C
Cell C customer service!


Dear Cellc Cresta,

I sent my cell phone in for repairs (it was an OBF) I was told off the bat that it would take 2 days... it did not... it is now almost 2 weeks later. I have repeatedly phoned everyday trying to get an answer of where my phone is, all of the salespeople I have spoken to take my number but NEVER phone me back to say where it is, when they are expecting it etc.

I went into Cell C Cresta yesterday (as my phone was supposed to be there the day before, Tuesday) and asked them where it was. I was promised by the Manager himself that he would get someone to deliver my phone to my work this morning (11am 29/08/2013)... it has still not come!

After calling them today and speaking to the Assistant manager (Janine Johnson) about the problem, I expressed that I was very disappointed as I have been waiting for a long time and need to know what is happening. In mid sentence she put the phone down on me... I was stunned. This is shocking customer service!!!

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Cresta
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