Cell C
Cell c Giving bad service


I went too Cell c and got myself a contract for a 2G dongle and a laptop. I had the laptop about a weak and it crashed. I contacted the cell c offices and they revered me to Hp who made the laptop and supplied it too cell c. I phoned them and after about an hour they told me the laptop is not repairable and they would supply me a new one. A few days later the consultant called me back ant told me that hp wont give me a new laptop anymore. I went to Cell c Northern Cape mall and spoke to the shop manager. He contacted hp and promised me a new laptop. He said I handed had it for more than 30 days so they must supply me a new laptop. After an argument I told him I must pay people and I need internet he gave me a tablet too use while I'm waiting for my laptop. I waited about 3 and a half weeks. I called them every second day too find out what's happening after the 3 week they had a lot of excuses and I was tired of it I went home got their dongle and tablet gave it too Cell c and told them too cancel everything as I was waiting a month for a laptop and still had too pay for nothing. They gave me the tablet but it isn't a laptop I paid for a laptop. Cell c and Hp gave me service!

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Kimberley
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Cell C
Laptop received without Software and no acces

Cell C

Cell C
Ecived laptop and modem both not working

Cell C
I was

Cell C
Billed for Laptop not in my possesion

Cell C

Frasers at clearwater mall go the extra mile 4 me

Failing to replace a Damaged Laptop


Platinum Repairs
Pathetic Service