Cell C
Claim Rejected


Sent a claim to the insurance more than twice and all those times they claimed to have not received and when they finaly admit to receiving, they reject my claim on the basis on incorrect use. I wrote and appeal letter to explain myself and that was rejected as well.

I was not informed of the conduct of the phone, as far as i knew, the insurance was for the phone and not for the sim card,
I am really not happy with service i received, Called CellC today to talk about it but was told to write a re- appeal letter to the insurance.

Was my phone insurance a?

How about giving my insurance money back? i know it wont be enough to buy a new phone but it will be a start for me. And i will stay as far away as possible from Cell C.

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Insurance
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Cell C
Insurance claim

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