Poor Customer service after manby years of support


My business cellphone contract was ending in February 2013 so I attempted to change ownership of the account in early March 2013 to myself from the company and to change to pre-paid from an account. I was told that this was possible over the phone. After missioning to find all the necessary paperwork and filling in the correct forms I was informed that my contract was not over (even though it was only a 24 months contract and that was over) and that I couldn't change ownership until this was so. I have been billed for the full amount for the subsequent months (even though the phone I bought the contract on is fully paid for). Upon phoning MTN again, I was informed that I must now go through the entire process again and that my contract did indeed expire in mid February 2013!! Poor service and you have ripped me off MTN . I know this will continue unless I go through the whole process and bureaucratic essentials of closing an account. Tiresome.

Company: Mtn
Country: South Africa
City: Durban
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Simple change of ownership goes wrong

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