Money taken from me


I'm very angry with Vodacom. I was checking my bank statement and i noticed that Vodacom took alot of my money in the beginning of April, R1012. I am using a 2g 2g 3g card. Which I'm supposed to pay R150pm. At first, I never experienced any problems till now. I was overcharged highly over my means. I called Vodacom customer service Ishra on Tuesday. Normally i receive sms notifications that my gigs are almost done or used. March, I never received any sms notifications, because i never used all my gigs. BUT i did receive an sms in March stating i have 1 un used gig and will carry over. I never received sms's stating my gigs are used up and now extra charges will be required, and gladly to say, i did receive thlose sms's in January. Ishra says that the sms's for notification were complimentary and lasted for 3months. No one told me. Norrally you sms notifying that my complimentary sms are finished and would i like to extend the sms usage for notifications. And i was overcharged by R1012 due to Vodacom network problem. Ishra said that Vodacom were experiencing network problems, no sms letting me know i was over my limit. Not my problem, i just want my money back. Please investigate

Company: Vodacom
Country: South Africa
City: ORT International Airpot
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