Mr Price Home
Poor service

Shops, Products, Services

My wife and I were shopping at Mr Price Home in Moffet on Main on 9 January 2013. My wife found a table runner in the sale section and decided to buy it. She took it to the cashier but the cashier could not find the item on the system. At least 20 minutes were spent looking for this item on the system (during the time spent looking, I went to another shop, bought what I needed and returned). When I saw what was going on, I called the attention of the shop manager who passed the buck onto a supervisor. Another 10 minutes or so were spent looking for the item when eventually the supervisor decided to scan a similar item, not from the sale section, and charge us for that item. When I pointed out that the item we had selected was supposed to be on sale we were told that there was nothing that they could do about that. At no stage was any apology received for the delay, the inconvenience caused or for the fact that we were eventually overcharged. Very poor indeed!

Company: Mr Price Home
Country: South Africa
City: Port Elizabeth, Moffet o
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Items on sale for some and not for others

Mr Price
No prices for goods on shelf!

Incorrect pricing and horrendous attitude

Mr Price Home
Poor Customer Service

Items marked down not on sale

Pick 'n Pay
Pricing misrepresentation and bad attitude!

Bad service directly from Manager of Woolworths

Mr Price Home
One Product two prices

Mr Price Home
No Service

Dion Wired
Price not displayed on item