Ag, sorry. I used to be your customer

Shops, Products, Services

I was in your store today. I arrived at the call & collect counter behind an already irate man, and watched his fidgeting get worse and worse before he threw his basket aside and left. I continued waiting and watching the same few ladies work very hard at ignoring me while they walked up and down behind the counter. The one person we could ask for some help, gave us a disinterested 'Ya' and disappeared. About 15 minutes later, I called your store (from my cell) to ask the manager if anyone was planning on helping us. He then told me were no collections on a Sunday. He managed to drag the same woman who had passed me at least 3 times to the counter, who's condescending response was 'Ag sorry, we're actually just a little busy'. No. If someone had taken 10 secs to say collections were closed, or taken the -proof option of putting up a sign that said: 'Regret, no collections on Sundays' - I would have understood. Instead, your staff seem to find your customers a terrible inconvenience. I wonder where she thinks the money comes from for her elaborate hairdo? Please assure your staff that I wont inconvenience them any longer, and will be sure to take my business elsewhere.

Company: Dis-Chem
Country: South Africa
City: Carlswald
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Fashion Express
An experience of You are not Welcome Here

Mr Price
Rude staff


Lack of assistance at store from sales persons


Checkers & Checkers Hypers
10 Minutes. Not even an aknowledgement of me

SA Post Office
Customers are a nuisance!

Pathetic after sales service!!

Bad service and staff doesn't care

Poor service!!!