Treat long-term customers with respect, please!

Shops, Products, Services

Due to renovations at the Pavilion store, there was only one section of cashiers open &I waited for 10 minutes for my turn, only to be told loudly that my card had been "blocked". When I asked why, I was told it was because your systems are changing & "it's a old card, you need a new one". I was told to go downstairs, get a new card, &then return to the cashier with my purchases. Needless to say, I was unimpressed about another 2 queues & left my purchases at the till.

I would have expected the LEAST Edgars could have done was to advise customers that they had to get new cards and not cause extreme embarrassment at the till - not to mention inconvenience. I came home & checked my last 4 months accts, and there is NO notification of a change in system. This is NOT the way to treat long-term customers.

I would like the manager of the store to contact me. I am willing, albeit reluctantly, to return to Edgars Pavilion next Sunday morning but would like arrangements to be made to get a new card AND pay at the accounts department at the same time. I would also like to be advised how much time I need to waste doing this.

Company: Edgars
Country: South Africa
City: Pavilion, Westville
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Ad service

Frustration is an understatement!

Wife's Edgars card not linked to main account

Blocked card without reporting or lost

Inefficient Cashing Over Peak Shopping Periods

Bad Service

Store did not want to do my return

Bad service

Card blocked for no reason

Why is it call customers services???