Tracker Connect
Re-installation nightmare


In June 2009 i bought a new car and contacted tracker to find out about the de & re-installations, they told me it will be R800 and they will do it on the Thursday at the dealership, I can collect my car the Friday. When collecting my car I was told by the dealership tracker didn't do the de & re-installations, I contacted them and they said they will do it the Monday, they didn't. This went on for about 3 months and nothing happened in November 2009 i got fed up when they asked me where is my old vehicle, they can't track it and i must find it for them, this is when I cancelled by debit order with the bank. Now in 2013 i get letters and phone calls from the debt collectors, apparently i owe them money. This is not the 1st time i was contacted 3 times in 2012 about the same thing and submitted all the supporting documents and all the e-mails between myself and Tracker.

They expect you to pay R275 a month for a service they cannot supply, i paid them for this service for 6 months when they didn't do anything!!!

Company: Tracker Connect
Country: South Africa
City: Johannesburg
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