Adt Security
Ignoring the issue does not make it disappea


I have signed a contract with ADT for connection of an existing alarm, upon inspection there were faults with the unit. I was then advised to sign a new contract in which I would have an new system installed which I had no problem with as I would only have to pay the account in August due to the promotion at the time - Fantastic I thought.

I was then billed immediately, not once, but twice for both contracts. I contacted the consultant P Dowling from PHD Security who could not help me and was told to contact the call centre. I then contacted the call centre and was told to email them the issue. It is now July and I have been double debited since March.

No one gets back to me and everyone I speak to acts as if it is not their problem. I can only imagine what the service will be like when I get held at gun point - will you ignore me then too?

Pathetic is a word too high in calibre for the service I have received.

Come fetch your unit and refund my money, I'd rather go to a company that know what service is.

Company: Adt Security
Country: South Africa
City: Centurion
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Adt Security
Charged for being misinformed

Adt Security
Contracts mean nothing

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Adt Security
Billed and OWED money but I'm not an ADT CUSTOMER