Discovery Health
Wonderful service

Health & Medicine

I had all but given out Discovery is really not focused on customer satisfaction but thank goodness for people like Kgano Gugulethu Kaphioa, a pleasure and responsive. Really intrested in helping - thank you for making my experience pleasent!!! A new client trying to sign up with an uninterested medical aid company we can thank our lucky stars for you!! thank you Kgano!!

Company: Discovery Health
Country: South Africa
City: Head office
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Discovery Health
A Big Thank you to Discovery Health for Medication

Discovery Health
Hassle to add a dependent with lots of excuses

Discovery Health
Discovery Health VERY SHADDY

Discovery Health
Discovery Medical Aid is a rip off

Discovery Health
Never sign discovery

Discovery Health
Thank you matthew lewarne from discovery

Discovery Health
Paying medical aid for nothing

Discovery Health
Placed on ITC due to Discovery Health

Discovery Health
Discovery Health refused to pay my Medical Bill

Discovery Health
Discovery medical aid cant get it right