Discovery Vitality & Vitality Mall
Woolworths Food Benefit Exclusions

Health & Medicine

One cannot activate the vitality food benefit for shopping at woolworths unless I upgrade my cover with Discovery to a package with medical savings, I find this shocking.

I am a healthy, active and young individual, I choose to have hospital cover alone as I rarely if ever go to the doctor (or would make use of a medical saving account), I am content with having hospital cover for big operations or accidents and am in a financial position to cover my own day to day expenses.

I choose to shop at woolworths because of their outstanding quality and commitment to sustainable food sourcing. Pick n pay is hardly cheaper and their sustainability practices leave a lot to be desired.

I should not be excluded from the benefit based on some POORLY done statistical analysis that stipulates I am not wealthy enough to shop at woolworths because I choose not to have day to day cover on my medical aid.
Pretty blatant discrimination actually!

Company: Discovery Vitality & Vitality Mall
Country: South Africa
City: Benefits
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Discovery Vitality & Vitality Mall

Discovery Vitality & Vitality Mall
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