Discrimination for Vitality Healthy Food Saving

Shops, Products, Services

I was emailed an email advising me that woollies has now come on board with Healthy Food benefit about a week ago, after struggling to try and find out how to activate this benefit I eventually called the call centre only to be told that this offer was only for Classic and executive members. So basically this benefit only applies to the upper class wealthy folk who spend R3000 on discovery each month, when asking the consultant said it was based on stats provided by woollies - which is the biggest load of as I buy from woollies practically every day. I am disgusted and offended that I have been discriminated against like this and as a vitality member I demand to get that 25% back for purchases at woollies, further more will be taking this further as this is discrimination and it's not fair that people who have extortionate medical tariffs can only benefit from this woolworths vitality saving. I would like to know how woolworths gave accurate figures to discovery as i dont always purchase on my card? I would like an explanation and i would like to be refunded my 25%, we are living in a democratic country - lets be fair!!

Company: Woolworths
Country: South Africa
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Discovery Vitality & Vitality Mall
Not qualifying for Woolworths Vitality Saving

Discovery Vitality & Vitality Mall
Vitality Healthy Food Benefit

Discovery Vitality & Vitality Mall
Woolworths 25% back healthy food benefit top plans

Discovery Vitality & Vitality Mall
Woolworths Food Benefit Exclusions

Discovery Vitality & Vitality Mall

Discovery Vitality & Vitality Mall
Woolworths benefit for Classic and Executive only

Discovery Vitality & Vitality Mall
Woolworth healthy benefit not offered to ALL mbrs

Discovery Vitality & Vitality Mall
Woolworths Healthy Foods Reward

Discovery Vitality & Vitality Mall
Woolworths healthy food benefit - Unfai

Discovery Vitality & Vitality Mall
Vitality is not all is promises to be!!