Spec-savers Sa
Very dissapointed

Health & Medicine

I recently had my eyes tested to acquire new lenses at Specsavers. I decided on Specsavers because I thought it offers more for your buck.
But man did I pay for inconvenience and bad service! Eye test was fine 3 weeks ago but I still haven't receive my sunglasses! Worse of all nobody can tell me why or where it is.
I get an sms that it will be in store on certain date and then I hear it hasn't arrived yet.
Person at call centre says he'll call me back during the day when I enquired about the whereabouts of glasses. Haven't heard from him.
Call again and this time another person actually did call me back to tell me that someone will call me in 10 minutes.
Didn't happen.

No I'm worried because I already paid for everything. PLEASE HELP

Company: Spec-savers Sa
Country: South Africa
City: Paarl mall
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Spec-savers Sa

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Help me by responding ..SHOCKING!! SHOCKING!!