Protea Hotels
Prokard rands expire in 30 days. No notice given

Health & Medicine

Protea hotels loyalty points partner Prokard sneakily introduced a policy whereby Prokard rands earned at a snail's pace over 7 years suddenly expire after 30 days. Even the ones earned last week. Imagine earning 168 points/rands for a 4 day stay costing R5000. Imagine how many rands it took to earn 3174 points/rands. Now imagine losing it and not even knowing you've lost it.

Disgusting. Well Protea, I'm jumping ship to Southern Sun. I'm sure they are not as sneaky and corrupt as you.

Prokard members hold off on your holidays. Yur Prokard Rands have expired while you were sleeping.

Company: Protea Hotels
Country: South Africa
City: Prokard
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