Discovery Health

Health & Medicine

I have been with Discovery since 2001. I have my policies, credit card etc with them. My son (now 10) was diagnosed with a severe allergy 2years ago which has resulted in him being a good candidate for a corneal transplant. I have tried to get him onto PMB with such a frustration, but eventually it was granted HOWEVER, the meds are not being paid.(?!) The stance of Discovery is that my son doesn't have a death threatening disease; it's ok for him to go blind as a result of his condition; he's not dead yet. Every year we end up in theatre (for the last 2 yrs) so that he can get injections in his eyelids to reduce the swelling on the papille on his eye lids. This year, (3hours before his admission to theatre) we were told that we had to make a co-payment of R5k. Nobody advised us of this. needless to say, we had to cancel the procedure. When we switched plans (the Classic saver became to expensive for us) to the lower plan, it was confirmed that NONE of our benefits wld change, except we had to go to certain hospitals. My son's hospital did fall in the network. I cannot be placed on chronic for my thyroid, bcse my results are 100%. DUH, that's WHY I have to take the meds???

Company: Discovery Health
Country: South Africa
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