Utter Digust at this medical aid scheme

Health & Medicine

I have to take my child for a specialist visit tomorrow and just found out that my benefits have been exhausted! Big shock to me then I call them to check howcome and check all my claims and find that specialist visits are deducted from day-to-day benefits. This is totally unreasonable - 1 specialist visit costs about R1500 alone, how can it be subtracted from day-to-day which is in the region of R5800 for the whole family per annum? Also found that all X-rays and pathology tests that were done this year is taken from day-to-day as well! That is the major reason why my benefits are exhausted so soon... I have just changed over a year ago to Bonitas and it was the biggest mistake i have ever made. Endless problems - major thing is benefits being exhausted so soon and now i know why. I am on the Bon standard option and chose that 1 because its similar to the previous package i had with the previous medical aid but i see now its much worse! Whoever told me bonitas was the best, to me!

Company: Bonitas
Country: South Africa
City: Bonitas
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Disappointing benefits

Bad Benefits and Scheme Rules

Bonitas - Best Value for money

Prosano medical aid merge with bonitas: rip off!

Very Limited Benefits

Benefits of bonitas isnt fai

Useless protocol, always have a lot of cash aside

Failure to pay for authorised medical claims

Momentum Health
Claims department useless