Samsung South Africa
Galaxy Note II lte - Unable to receive or send MMS

Electronics and household app.

Im absolutely frustrated!!! I purchased a brand new Galaxy Note 2 LTE device from Dion Wired 4Ways, Jhb and Im using it on Vodacom Prepaid simcard. So the LTE function was disabled as Im told that it is not available for cell users on prepaid SimCards. Problem is, the handset cannot be set up to receive or send picture messages (MMS). I spent four full days with Vodacom technicians and call centre consultants trying to set it up to receive mms and they have completely and utterly failed. Vodacom sent me MMS settings several times and I saved them on the phone, it failed. The Vodacare repair centre at Cresta shopping centre tried for two days to set it up for MMS and they failed. I called Samsung customer service centre (tel. 086 072 67864) and they wanted to use the same Vodacom MMS settings that had failed previously - Samsung customer service did not know what to do - Unbelievable! The phone works fine for ordinary SMS, email, phone calls. I can send pictures via email or even via bluetooth, but I cant send MMS (pictures or business cards) because no one has so far been able to successfully set it up to send or receive MMS messages. This is unfair and a waste of my time!

Company: Samsung South Africa
Country: South Africa
City: Johannesburg
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