Spur Steak Ranches
Not sure who to turn to next

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

My son got very badly hurt in the play area. This was due to spurs negligence as table dividers were styored in the games room. Story cut short one of these fell on my sons hand busrt and shatterd finger.damage on left hand my son left handed. Story short went to casualty requested emergency op. Spur covered the cost. The op was not successfull. Re-op is needed. He can't play his sport anymore. 10yrs old. I approached them again but with no responce. Are they still liable to cover the cost. Pls, anybody help

Company: Spur Steak Ranches
Country: South Africa
City: Chatoga
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Spur Steak Ranches
Unhygienic play area

Spur Steak Ranches

Spur Steak Ranches
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Spur Steak Ranches
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Spur Steak Ranches
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