Romans Pizza
No dining utensils

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

My family and i visited Romans Pizza at Pick & Pay Centre, Chatsworth. We order the special that came with a 2l Coke. Inside the store there were tables and chairs. We sat at a table and waited for our order. When we received our order i requested 4 tumblers, i was told that i has to purchase polystyrene cups at 80c each, this infuriated me, and after complaining was told by the manager/owner that this store was not licensed for dining, it was just a take away. I may be dumb, but i am sure take aways do not have tables and chairs. This store in my opinion, is just out to make an extra buck, and has no understanding about customer service.

It would be an excellent idea for this store manager/owner to visit Deboniars at Chatsworth Centre, across the road from Romans Pizza, and learn about customer service. Debonairs provides plates, knives, forks and tumblers to all their sit down customers.

I will not be visiting Romans Pizza again.

Company: Romans Pizza
Country: South Africa
City: Pick & Pay Centre Chatsw
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