Aa Insurance
No service delivery vs. excellent service delivery

Business & Finance

As a family we had an extremely bad experience with AA Insurance trying to get a new car insured and the AA deducting premiums from the incorrect accounts and just not returning calls when promised to do so. We have tried resolving the matter with AA Insurance since Friday, 05/04. No one from the AA even bothered to contact us. Even Mr. K. Deyzel did not have the courtesy to acknowledge my e-mail. Finally I resorted in calling him this morning, 15/04. I left a message since there was no answer. Marcia Mahlabe called me shortly after I left said message. Marcia, well done!! You did a sterling job of ensuring that my annoyance level subsided. You were professional, calm and did not take any of this personally. You also did not try to justify bad behaviour. You were prepared to find an answer where you did not know it off hand. I would strongly suggest the AA Insurance head of Call Centre ensures that all consultants are trained to be as professional as Marcia Mahlabe. This lady is an asset to the AA Insurance. If I was still involved in call centres I would have headhunted her. Thank you Marcia Mahlabe for excellent service delivery. Well done.

Company: Aa Insurance
Country: South Africa
City: Johannesburg
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First National Bank
Service Efficiency

Lindsay Saker
Being given untruthful info and the run around

I bought a tv stand last year July

House & Home
All thanks to Marcia

First National Bank
Where is my money

Lindsay Saker
Lindsay Saker Alberton is the best

First For Women Insurance
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King Price Insurance
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Regent Insurance Company
Service like this does not exist anymore

Virgin Insurance
3rd party claim and Virgin takes no responsbility!