Motor Finance Corporation
Custoemr Service

Business & Finance

I have been charged for the 7th month after a 6 month settlement agreement and upon inquiring, have been treated as a piece of - Paul McKenzie who i have been dealing with at the MFC, referring to me once as a mrs, was corrected and yet persists in calling me a mrs.
I have asked for the funds to be credited to me - this is utterly poor service!!

Company: Motor Finance Corporation
Country: South Africa
City: Johannesburg
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Motor Finance Corporation
Settlement query

Motor Finance Corporation
Poor Service Delivery!!!

Sa Motor Corporation

Motor Finance Corporation
Delay in updating settlement of an account

Motor Finance Corporation

Motor Finance Corporation
MFC have no ethics

Motor Finance Corporation
Day light caused by migration

Motor Finance Corporation
Finance charges

Motor Finance Corporation
Refund of Debit Oreder after Settlement

Motor Finance Corporation
Delays Settlement at cost to custome