Loan Locator
Money from my account

Business & Finance

Last year I called them to remove my name from their system after they debidet my account though I made a deposit for them at Woolworths. The same lady I spoke to today kept screaming in my ears when i told her that I want my money refunded and my name removed from their system. This people are just taking money from peopels accounts without their permission and now I must write them a letter which I wrote laste year. I want my name removed from their data base, they could not help me last year and they just debit my account. They refused to reimburse me last year which is fine, why the debit my account this year. This rude lady Rally or whatever her name is kept on shouting and screaming in my ears. I wan my money back and please remove my name from your data base. I am going to take this to the ombudaman. Please be warned ..dont use this company...

Company: Loan Locator
Country: South Africa
City: Head office
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Leserskring / Leisure Books
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Loan Locator
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Debit Orde

Loan Locator
Debit on my account

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