Leserskring / Leisure Books
Demands for final payments - wrong person!

Shops, Products, Services

I keep on receiving SMS's and phone calls from you regarding my outstanding account. I never had one with you, never will have an account with you. You've got the wrong person. I brought this under your attention now more than once. I'm really getting fed-up now with your.
Please remove me from your data base with immediate effect. If I however I receive one more phonecall / sms / or any kind of information/ communication from you I will take this further, report you for SPAM, (which could lead to a huge fine with the new law around advertising etc.) and will give you over for harassment! This is going on for more than a year now. Please stop because its annoying. Yes my surname is Bester, but you've got the wrong Bester. I have no idea how you connect me to somebody else's account? How does that happen??? Check the ID numbers- it's not me. I don't owe you nothing, but if you contact me again you will be owing me money!
I've had it. Get the person who is supposed to update your data base and fire him coz he doesn't belong on your payroll and is wasting your time, and mine as well as your money.

Enough already now of this!

Company: Leserskring / Leisure Books
Country: South Africa
City: Accounts department
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Leserskring / Leisure Books
Account wrong


King Price Insurance
So sick of receiveing sms's for advertising

Loan Locator
Money from my account

Very poor financial services

Surname STILL not changed

Wrong person billed

Shapiro Shaik Defries & Associates

How can you expect that I pay another's account?!?