Standard Bank
Creditcard Banking Account no has changed

Business & Finance

The Blue Bean Merchant dep. changed the last two did-gets of my account and now my eft comes back un paid.
I went into the bank, who confirmed the no I have been making the deposits to, no longer exists, the last two no. have changed.
The Standard Bank in Milnerton refered me to a ph booth in their bank to make a free call the the Merchant Department in JHB.
They cant tell my why the no has changed only that this in the new no.
I go home, go onto my Absa banking account and punch in the new no., Nope, INVALID NO. Branch code please,

Another Blue Bean consultant calls to tell me I am in arrears, we go through the usual, You are being recorded Jorgan af ter explaining my problem, she puts me on hold 3 times, then drops the call.
I have called them 3 times now, Been recorded umpteen times trying to get answers from theie Help Desk, been recorded doing so.
Oh, and the account no that the Milnerton Standard Bank gives me to do the deposits into and the no the Help Desk at the Merchant department gives me are completely different, bit both no wont work on my eft at Absa
So now what must I do?
Get in my car and drive to JHB to sort out the problem?
My account 3 month's

Company: Standard Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Johannesberg
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