First National Bank
FNB call centre customer care and processes!

Business & Finance

I am currently doing the repayments of my student loan which is in my dad's name. After I noticed that a debit order did not go off one month, I called to query the matter. I was told 'it was a system error'. First of all I should have been notified about the 'system error' but I was not. Secondly, I have been transfered from one consultant to the next until I eventually demanded to speak to a team leader who then gave me the same poor excuses as the call centre agents did. My dad was notified that the repayment would be deducted off HIS bank account after I specifically and repeatedly asked them to notify ME and deduct the repayment off MY bank account as per usual and they told me they cannot change the contact number that is used for notifications. What bull is that???
As advised by the team leader, I have to now wait and see which bank account gets debited. I have to make this MY problem after FNB and this mysterious 'system error'! I'm now officially annoyed and highly upset. I hope they realise that they have now lost a potential client in addition to the prospective clients who I WILL inform about this absurdity!!!

Company: First National Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Johannesburg
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