Standard Bank

Business & Finance

Having transferred to Standard Bank with hopes of better service I am left very disappointed.
I opened an account and the service consultant set about assisting changing the debit orders. All but one were successful.
Month two, I returned to the branch and after a few phone call to the supplier concerned I was told all was in order.
Alas, not.
However that is not why I am disappointed as I understand the problem may not with Standard bank.
This is why.
I sent a secure message via internet banking. Expecting a 24 Hr response as per the website to date have still not had a reply on that.
Sent an email enquiring about the secure message 2 days later only to be referred to someone else who to date has not responded!
Furthermore I complained on Standard bank website, no comeback either.
Tried calling the branch directly, repeatedly, NO Reply from said consultants!
Promises Promises Promises! The one bank is as useless as the other when it comes to service!!

Company: Standard Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Fourways Crossing
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