African Bank
Pathetic & Outrageous Attitude

Business & Finance

We understand that some people hold Management positions out there, but that does NOT give them the right to treat the very same consumers that give them business like trash!!! No.1 My fianc? e applied for an Emergency Loan on Friday (27 Sept 2013), and today he called AB to follow-up on the status of his application after he sent them a letter to confirm his employment yesterday. He got hold of this RUDE Anna Luthuli, who happens to be the Branch Manager, and she told him that It's not her job to call him & notify him that this letter is NOPT acceptable since It doesn't have the period of employment. When my fianc? asked her when were they going to notify him If he had not called, he told my fianc? e that It's not her job to do that & she's busy with other things! Mind you, her tone was stinking RUDE!! Is this how African Bank Managers are trained to treat consumers just because they need loans??? She's not yet she expects people to bow for her in order to process their loans!! Does she threaten people knowing she will cancel their applications because the demands to be worshipped??? This a appalling service from such a recognized institution, DISGUSTING!

Company: African Bank
Country: South Africa
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