First National Bank
My wifes Credit Account from my side for support

Business & Finance

My wife unfortunatley lost her job where she worked and she tried making arangements with the banks on how to do some payments on her accounts these discussions were done telephonicly, all banks has recordings of this. any how this person Anton Hatting basicaly the person in charge in getting this money in phones my wife and start threatening her in if he is finished with her not even my kids will have a place to sleep on. Further more he threatened her and actualy made statements that if she didn't even had money on her phone how would she be able to pay her account? In tears my wife contacted me and she were very upset as arangements had been made. I do not know what the policies stipulate in situations like this but if arangements were done give some time to full fill this this is the second month that she is now working again and even from what is left in my account is being paid over to rectify this. I am Her Husband David Jacobus de Beer her name is Burnize de Beer i am writing to you as i feel this matter of handdling this situation coould be done in a proper attitude a lot of people lost their jobs in Rustenburg why not give them all a change in rectifieng the situations.

Company: First National Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Credit department
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