First National Bank
Debiting my account is they wish

Business & Finance

I have a CC with FNB and i bank with FNB, due to financial difficulties, im not able to meet my monthly payments. FNB decided to debit my account with R220 without my permision, inquired about it and left it alone, and told myself i can manage if they take R220. This month they debited R2070 from my account, this is now way toooooo much.

I cannot afford to repay them a big amount, this does not give FNB the right to deduct any amount they wish. Im struggling to meet my monthly needs as a single parent, that R2070 they have taken, have costed me my childs education, i cant pay her school fees and transport fees. being a single parent is very difficult and banking with FNB does not give them the right to just take money from account without informing me to make arrangements for my other expenses (food, shool fees, aftercare, kids transport fee, ETC)

I have been with FNB for the past 11 years and this is the treatment i get, if this means end of our banking relationship, it shall be like that and move to another bank. This is inconsiderate and very utterly disgusted with FNB and they charge me crazy banking fees every month on top of this

Company: First National Bank
Country: South Africa
City: JHB
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