Bad Service / Paying a Service Fee without getting

Business & Finance


I have sent a couple of requests to my banker without her responding and when I call, she is hardly there.
In fact, her assistant help me more than her, in fact, her assistant is faster than her :-)
Had a chat to her manager regarding this, he called me a FEW days later and when the phone cut somehow, he does not call back neither does he email.
Then my banker is changed, and nobody informs me regarding this.
Then I try to get another banker to represent me, which he confirms can be done, he as he did not even mail or call me back.
Then I get a banker that does not know the answer to any of my questions or requests.
She also does not know of reminding me or giving me a courtesy call or email for feedback.
When she needs to call me back, its either 1 million days late or I need to call her as she is busy.
Now I want to cancel, but cannot get hold of contact details
They might have tried to contact me about two days ago when I was in a meeting and could not answer, but i have not had any other communication from them. I called back on the nedbank number, which was a call center number, but then nobody knew whats going on and nobody could help me

Company: Nedbank
Country: South Africa
City: South Africa
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