No clue regarding Building Loan application

Business & Finance

We are busy with a building loan application on a New Development.
1st Ooba applied with FNB for a building loan, NOT considering other banks with better offers.
We waited 6 weeks for an answer, which was a POOR offer. Then I got my personal banker involved at Nedbank and he and Mercia corresponded regarding the application. Mercia Miles from Ooba then phoned me and told me we received a 100% building bond and she has the AIP. I then get an email from my personal banker informing me that they require the attorneys name for the transfer etc. 3 Days later I get a call from Nedbank congratulating me on the approval and telling me there is an official quote. I asked what the amount was for and the amount did not even add up to a 90% approval. I phone Nedbank home loans and they inform me that this official quotation was not possible as they are still awaiting documentation from OOBA.!!
Still OOBA has not responded on my emails and it seems that between OOBA, Nedbank Home Loans (complaint to follow) and my personal banker at Nedbank, NO ONE HAS A CLUE!!!

Company: Ooba
Country: South Africa
City: Bartlett Boksburg
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