First National Bank
Ramdup - Credit Card Collection

Business & Finance

I am not proud about the fact that my credit card is with FNB's legal department for collections.

BUT, I have now been paying according to agreement as I should for quite some time... always make my payments before month end.

Up until now Groenewald & Lubbe has been handling my account and in fact called me on Monday 1 July (2 days ago) to try arrange a debit order which I declined as they have bitten me once before by changing the debit order date without my conscent to suite them.

WHY OH WHY did a rude person from Ramdup call me today? She did not confirm any personal details with me or told me if the call is being recorded. She asked for me by named and when I confirmed it is me she immediately proceeded to aks "When are you going to pay? "

I told her that I will not speak to hear as she does not know how to speak to a client and I would prefer to speak to someone who does know.

Who at FNB Legal receives a kickback from handing out accounts willy-nilly to "attorneys" like this while a "good" attorney firm is already handling it?

Why would an attorney firm have e-mail addresses @ mweb???

Company: First National Bank
Country: South Africa
City: Johannesburg
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First National Bank

Groenewald Lubbe
FNB Credit Card

Discovery Card

Groenewald Lubbe

First National Bank
Ridiculous Ramdup at it again

First National Bank
Unauthorised Debit

First National Bank
Unauthorised debiting of my account

Groenewald Lubbe
No way of speaking to people

Discovery Card
Account Handed to Attorneys for no clear reason

First National Bank
FnB debited R3180 off my account - Ref: SD1957393