Groupon SA
Change your name to GroupOFF


Requested refund as deal went sour. Called and called and called and even got a few levels up. Still just empty promises and no action. So went even higher and got the senior Nazlie after I spoke to the junior Nazlie. Said refund was done into Groupon account. I do not want it there, but in my own account. Said they eventually did it, but the trouble is it never arrived on my credit card. Call after call again, even waited the 7 days they needed to trace the allegedly made refund. Still nothing. Tried to get hold of owner Daniel and Wayne, but those do not take calls from plebs like customers. Staff refuses to put me through. Probably get fired for that offence.
And then look here on Hello Peter. Last response from Groupon was 12 days ago. I rest my case. Will unlikely ever buy from them again. This is written on behalf of my wife who had enough. So I have to pick up the pieces.

Company: Groupon SA
Country: South Africa
City: Cape Town
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