Trade Route Mall

Traveling & Tourism

I desperately needed to use the loo. So i went to the toilets next to capitec bank
on the upper level, I was appalled finding there is not one cubicle with toilet paper, to top that off the toilet
left in such a mess as if people went to war in the toilet. With my blood pressure rising i left the restroom in search of another. I then ended up at the toilets next to the babyboom store on the upper level.
Here was when my disgust went to complete anger, out of the 3 or 4 cubicles only 1 was vacant. The state was completely revolting. There was water all over the floor, which meant me now using the toilet paper to wipe the floor wiping it with my shoes not wanting to contract some germ that could have been left there, my amazement came to see the seat was full or water, it clearly wasn't the flushing of the toilet that could have done that. So again used toilet paper to wipe the seat.
Then there is jugs with water next to the bin.i understand the jugs is apparently used for religious purposes however i do think this needs some urgent re-thinking as using of jugs is NOT APPLICABLE TO ALL. the reason for the dirty is UNHYGIENIC for what is supposed to be called a MALL!

Company: Trade Route Mall
Country: South Africa
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Pay to use facilities but there is no up-keep???

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