Cell C
New Contract not getting resolved


I've been trying to resolve a problem with cell c, but not getting satisfactory service. I was contacted by cell c with a promotion running with FNB and was sold a contract for data R99.00 per month for 2 gig data, but am getting billed over R300. I made it very clear on the phone conversation that it must be limited to 2 gigs and that I would top it up if I should exceed. Now to get a hold of a consultant who can sort this out is nearly impossible. I have send a email, and got a reply that they did try and phone me to explain the billing to me about 3 weeks ago, but that was the extend of the service rendered from cell c. I also asked that my billing details be forwarded to me so I can see what this company is charging me without success. what must one do now. I don't want to pay that kind of money for this bad service.

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Headoffice
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