Useless, useless, useless!!!


My upgrade was done on the 22nd March and I have yet to receive my device OR good service. Every day since the upgrade I have been promised that the phone would be delivered. Then last week Thursday I was advised that there was no way I would get it that day because there was a "warehouse" issue. During all the calls, they still managed to get the delivery address wrong which I corrected with them last Wednesday. On my follow up call this morning the delivery address is still incorrect and has never been updated, so yet again I will not be receiving my device today!!! They then gave me the courier phone number because they clearly could not be bothered to follow up themselves. The bizarre thing is that I am already being charged for the upgrade!! Pure laziness and incompetence is what this boils down to. This is not the first bad experience I have had with Autopage, and probably not the last either!!! Useless bunch of people; bad attitude; lack of service; lack of delivery; bad reputation!!!

Company: Autopage
Country: South Africa
City: Head Office
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Still no delivery

Useless, useless, useless and even more useless

No delivery with total lack of follow up service!!

Online upgrade

Delivery to wrong address

African Bank

No delivery of device and want to cancel upgrade

CCD Couriers
FNB Bank Card

Digital Planet
Teribal service and communication

Over one month on upgrade and no phone delivery