Bad Service


In - Feb of 2011 i took our a new mobile phone contract and got the Motorola XT910 Razr.
Soon after i realised that the phone could not send nor receive MMS's. I took the phone to the branch where i got it from and they could not assist informing me to contact Customer Care-which i did via email. After many mails up and down they could not assist me. I managed to eventually track down Motorola themselves who assisted me in less than 30 seconds-just a simple setting within the APN setup.
All went well until such time that i upgraded to a later Android update which has now caused the same issue.
Problem is that i cannot remember the simple setting that fixed the MMS issue!!
I have been in contact with Vodacom via email for a couple of weeks now-each time a different person responds with an answer that does not solve the issue-their automated settings sms'd to the phone do not work, the settings on their website dont work and worst of all its an impossibility to get hold of Motorola in this country.
How can Vodacom (who represent Motorola) not have the correct settings for this phone? I'm extremely irritated by this and this will probably be the last contract i take out with them

Company: Vodacom
Country: South Africa
City: Customer Care
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Clearly bad manufacturing-not customer negligence

Voacom always looks for easy way out... rip you OFF

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