Cell C
Cell C asks you to Believe - I don't anymore


Circa 23 October last year I phoned Customer Care responding to an advertisement from Cell C offering a Galaxy 4 with 1 GB data for R389/month. The only reason I took this offer was because of the data that came with it (previously burned by Cell C Galaxy 3). Unaware of the internet charges being incurred, I used the Galaxy 4. Early November I call in to see why the data also upgraded isn't loaded and am advised that this only comes into effect when the current contract expires. Alarm bells and to cut a very long story short, I call Cell C and find out that I will be responsible for data charges until February 2014 and I have already incurred over R900 in data charges! Why was this not made clear to me by the agent? I have called Cell C a hundred times to try and sort this out and cancelled their debit order until resolution of the matter. It is now January 2014 and Cell C have done nothing apart from send threatening "hand you over" sms's despite my being told by several staff (even a team leader) that they will call me back.. I asked for the recording of where I was specifically advised I would be liable for data charges. No recording produced so far and still the sms's come

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Call Centre
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