Unconnected phone


So last week, I had an incident with MTN - an incident that could have been avoided had the staff been able to communicate certain red tape issues to me., however, the issue ultimately came down to sim-swapping my sim card. Now call me unlucky or is this service - I finally get my phone on Friday (after two weeks of waiting) and am assured that the phone would be connected and usable; activation takes 2 to 24 hours. It is now 42 hours later and I am stuck with R10000-00 phone that DOESNT WORK!

I love that MTN reckons SA is a safe and hassle free place - BECAUSE I CANNOT MAKE ANY PHONE CALLS. This is just absolutely ridiculous. I went into the Karaglen MTN branch only to be told Clement @ Eastgate didn't authorise the activation in the correct order.

I find it PATHETIC that MTN allows such red-tape to rule the roost, and subject employees to shouting customers. I am disgusted that my R500 per month is not appreciated. It's a lot of money!!

I am highly disappointed and frustrated.

Company: Mtn
Country: South Africa
City: Eastgate
  <     >  


Sim card not submitted for activation

Cell C
Two weeks - and still NO activation on Sim Swop!

Sim card activation dalayed almost two weeks

MTN doesnt give a

Sim card activation

Waiting almost two weeks for SIM activation

First National Bank
Waiting for my sim to be activated

Afrizon Telecommunications
Card activation

3 Days to Activate SIM Card???
