Cell C
Frustrated Lumia owne


After 1 month of using my Nokia Lumia 710 smartphone, which I got with a Cell C contract, the phone stopped charging and shut down completely. I took it in to Cell C at Cavendish, who told me to take it to the Nokia repair shop in Century City. The alternative was for them to send it to JHB for repairs, which would take 21days. They assured me that if I took it to Nokia in Century City, it would be repaired in 3-5 days. I do not understand why they would inconvenience a customer by making them drive a long way to fix a problem created by a faulty product which they supplied.

However, I did take my phone in to Century City on their advice, and it has been a week. Upon calling the technician, I was told that my phone had not even been assessed yet. They also kept me on hold for ten minutes.

At no point was I offered a temporary replacement handset by Cell C for the period of repair, and so I am using an old phone without any instant messaging capabilities, which has resulted in Cell C profiting off of my inconvenience, as I have had to purchase more airtime/smses. This also meant that I had to purchase a micro-sim adaptor at my own expense and inconvenience (Cell C had no stock)

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Claremont
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Cell C
Not a genuine Nokia Lumia cellphone

Cell C
Nokia lumia 710 contract phone

Cell C
New phone can not be used not replaced or repaired

Cell C
Nokia Lumia OBF - No feedback

Frustrated with my Nokia Lumia 800

Cell C

Repair lasted for less than 12 hours


Still waiting for a feedback from Nokia

Samsung South Africa