Cell C
Don't be fooled. Cell C network is FAR inferio


I live in Sandton (by Wanderers) and work near Crown Mines - both supposedly well within Cell C's network, but I often experience terrible signal, with calls not going through, calls not being received and 3G being terribly slow/not available at all. The inferior Cell C network means my IPhone 5 battery gets drained very quickly as it struggles to find signal - it seems to be overheating. The same phone works quite nicely on Vodacom's network. I first contacted Cell C in April (1 month after signing up) and have been hounding them for the last 3 weeks without success. In the last week or so I have spoken to Thabo Mabetao, Merna Marais, Donald Ndlovo, Kgosi Mokine, Mandla Dlamini and Gerard Dhapalan (to name a few and hope I got spelling right). Each and every one promised to call me back to assist me with cancelling my contract/to send out a technician, but never did. That is a 0/6 strike rate. It would appear Cell C are determined not to help me. I request my contract be cancelled with immediate effect with no costs and my telephone number converted to prepaid so I can move it to Vodacom - more expensive, but at least it works. You have already wasted HOURS of my time.

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Customer Care/Cancellati
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Cell C
Cell C Network Coverage is Terrible

Cell C
Bad signal/ reception

Cell C
Service like their network signal "none"

Cell C
Network coverage & reception - what a joke

Cell C

Cell C
Cell bis only works on vodacom. time to pay voda

Cell C
Network Issue

Cell C
Unsatifactory Service!!!

Cell C

Cell C
No signal / calls go straight to voicemail