Cell C
I'm tired


Dear poor service provider!!!

I am sure by now you think I like to complain for nothing hey. But I guess two days of a hardlocked line and several calls without a solution calls for a big COMPLAINT!!! I have experienced enough harassment from Cell C, I have resolved to cutting ties with Cell C completely: Please action the following (Which I know will still end up in a mess):

1. Move the R186 out of acc 109306031 to acc 113024296 to clear my old account and CLOSE IT!!!
2. Provide me with statements for all my accounts, as I never received any for April
3 Remove my banking details from your system as I have already stopped it with my bank.
4.I will pay my account via EFT on the last day of each month - please allocate correctly.
5.Do not call me, do not offer any promotion etc.
6 Expect cancellation at the end of each of my contracts - which is going to be a painful journey to the end of the 24months. Please action accoringly when that time comes!

Tumelo Ndebele and "Tshepo" from customer services your service, Phakamile and Ntombi Msiza tx for trying and showing interest.

I'm just tired

Company: Cell C
Country: South Africa
City: Call Centre/ Credit/ Bil
  <     >  


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