Mondelez South Africa
Please dont

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I am a chocoholic, they say admitting u have a problem is the first step to recovery well not in ur case not having stock i am sure will cure me for sure only problem is i don't want to be cured, first love was contrast, many moons ago, the sevens in caramilk, stopped, snowflake stopped, caramilk stopped, turkish delight stopped please by the rate u are stopping my favourites there will be none left sweetie pies stopped i am on the edge, and yes i am but one buyer i know! not that one is going to make a diffrence! but please! some thing must be done! stop i tell ya stop ur killing me!

Company: Mondelez South Africa
Country: South Africa
City: Secunda
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Metro Police
Fined when I did not disobey the law

Metro Police
Fine issued without any default

Standard Bank
Card not blocked

AARTO - False Accusation

Stopped wrong card

Getting debited for 3G that was stopped in Oct


My phone is eating money and MB

Mondelez South Africa
No turkish delight in my cadbury turkish delight

Mondelez South Africa
The quest for the elusive Sweetie Pie