Bad Attitude

Shops, Products, Services

I went to the Store on the 2nd September 2013 to exchange the battery faulty phone that I received as a Birthday present on the 26th August 2013, to my Surprise I was told that the phone will be taken to the repairs! asked Malema that how long will it take? And she said "she's not a technician she doesn't know"Clearly I did not expect to receive such an answer from a Sales person who deals with phones Everyday
Sam also failed to assist but only told me that the phone will be taken to the repairs the is nothing he can do, the is a 30 days period at the back of the receipt but they argued that and changed it to 7days period that it is not in writing, I agree that the phone was Purchased on the 18th August 2013 but I only received it on the 26th from the Buyer but haven't had a chance to return it, I believe I still have their 7days grace period as I just received and started using it on the 26th I don't understand why are this people running such a big store like their running a Spaza Shop. They should change their Attitude!!! Very disappointed because I never had a chance to use the phone and now it has been taken away for an unknown period."Because they are not "Technicians"

Company: Edgars
Country: South Africa
City: Jubille Mall
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Cell C
New phone not exchanged due to fault

Cell C
New Phone and it is faulty

Phone repairs

8ta / Telkom Mobile
Another 8ta Classic

Vodacom's "7 day cooling period" is a

Phone faulty

Cell C
Fauly phone with faulty software

Blacklisted phone received after repairs

Cell C
Feedback/response, late/no delivery, out of stock

7 day return policy / poor service delivery!!